Mental Golf Solutions

Article Archive

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New golfers should learn the basic and most common golf rules before going out on the course.
Learning golf etiquette before swinging a club helps a new golfer get out on the course with more confidence.
Are you experiencing the yips and feel like you lost your putting stroke? Read on about how I cured my putting yips.
Sinking putts is vital to maintaining a low handicap. Finding ways to increase your putting consistently can help.
Help new golfers not feel pressured by teaching and modeling a good pace of play.
Golf is an excellent opportunity to bond with your friends and share your experiences. However, it's imperative to bear in mind that faster golfers may be playing in the group behind you. Here are some useful tips we suggest for pacing your play.
The pace of play in golf is so important.
The Ajay - a rare pitching wedge helped me in 1975 and is still working for me.